MON - FRI: 08:00 - 17:00 SAT: 08:00 - 13:30


It is in your best interest to have your vehicle serviced on a regular basis (at the very least annually) - this ensures that your vehicle is performing at an optimal standard which has countless beneficial factors.

Here at Rochford Tyres we provide many different types of service from a simple changing of the filters and oils to a major service involving the the replacement of things like spark plugs and brake fluids - this suits the needs of every type of vehicle owner, whether you are just an urban driver or whether you cover considerable mileage on a regular basis.

Having your vehicle serviced so it’s running at an optimal standard not only makes it more smooth and pleasant to drive, but it aids the safety of you, your passengers and other road users by significantly decreasing the chance of any component failing.

As well as this making sure that your vehicle is regularly serviced it also improves the longevity of it overall, so whilst the initial cost of the service may seem off putting, when looking at the bigger picture having your vehicle serviced is very economic.

Motor Codes Service & Repair



Rochford Tyres Unit 1 Swaines Industrial Estate,
Rochford, Essex, SS4 1RG


01702 545689

Alloy Wheels

01702 680900


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